Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Le Sigh.......

I apologise for my lack of blog posts lately, but I hope to do more in the future.
(I know I always say that, but I come back with a new-but-old Youtuber!)
So Jacksfilms is one of my favourite Youtubers and he's got a question account too!
jackisanerd is Jack's answer-your-questions blog and he is hilarious!

Check him out!

                                                                 Sophie x

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Loco for Coco!

Hey guys!
As the Fall ends, the Winter rolls in and where I live it gets FREEZING!
So if your like me, you love to curl up with a cup of hot chocolate!
I don't really have a particular favourite, just anything I can get my hands on really, but I mostly go for instant (thought sometimes we make it with real chocolate)
But if your bored with the same flavour, why not spice it up with some cool new idea's:

Add some vanilla extract or cinnamon or nutmeg (or all of these) to give it a more flavourful effect.

Add some orange zest to give it a zingy effect.

Pop in a peppermint sweet or candy cane and give it a great smell and a  minty twist! (also good for when you've got a cold!)

A spoon of honey will make your cup of hot coco even sweeter!

Or even try peanut butter! just make sure to mix it well so that it all melts!

                                                                       Sophie x
P.S.  New midweek madness tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Midweek Madness #4

Sup' Dudes
Todays Midweek Madness video is dedicated to Onison.
Kind of a random video, but this will totally have you singing "I'm a Banana!"

New Midweek Madness next week, and new blog posts during the week,
See ya,
Sophie x

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

So so sorry......... + S.O.T.W

Hi guys,
so i've been terrable at my blog posts lately and I don't know why! I thought that I would make it up to you thoug by giving you my S.O.T.W's ( song of the week for the past two weeks!)

My first would have to be Christina Perii's "Jar Of Hearts"

And my second would be Will Young's "Jealousy"

So there you have it - my two fave songs of the last two weeks. I've been hearing these songs so much on the radio lately and I needed to at least mention them!
Until next time,
                                      Sophie x
P.S.  new LOL tomorrow, so look out for that!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Midweek Madness #3

Sup' guys! Today's LOL of the week goes out to Tobuscus's “nugget in a biscuit” video.
I really enjoyed this video and it is such a catchy song!

Maybe try this in the future? Nugget and a biscuit and dipped in mash potato covered in BBQ sauce? Yum Yum Gimme! Genius!

                                                         Sophie x

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Secret Obsession...

Okay guys, so I have a geeky obsession with an XBOX and if you are wondering what my favourite game is, then here it is: CALL OF DUTY ZOMBIES. I know I am not that good at it, but I still love it. At the end of a game the score between me and my brother normally is 214 kills, to 46. my brother constantly gives out to me about it ! I hope to someday improve, but for now, I will rely on the help of my brother to revive me!
                                                                PEACE OUT!

                                                                   Sophie x

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Midweek Madness! #2

Hey guys,
So last week I posted the WTF blanket video and my shout out went to Jacksfilms, but this week my shout out goes to Brock's Dubs! His videos are hilarious, I really love his rebecca black my moment video (sorry Rebecca, but it is just so funny!) Here it is, my LOL of the week!
Rebecca Black "My Moment" (Brock's Dub)

P.S. I personally think the real version of this song is great, and Rebecca has really come a long way since Friday!
                                         Sophie x

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Midweek Madness!!!

Hi Guys?
Everybody having a good week? Here are some things that will make your week even better:

Snuggie Parody?

OMG! i love this video and i LOL every time i watch it!

More blogs to come soon, but I am really busy right now.

Leave a comment on what my next blog post should be about!

sophie x
P.S. subscribe to jacksfilms!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

S.O.T.W (song of the week)

Okay guys, so DJ Fresh ft. Sian Evans song "Louder" is a total summer-dance song and I really like the video to it too! It features skateboarders, roller-bladers and most importantly, a great beat! So without further ado, I present DJ Fresh and Sian Evans "Louder".......

P.S. Sorry I couldn't post the actual video here, but i hope you still enjoy this video!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hoot, hoot.....

Hey guys, so I'm guessing that most of you know what Planking is, but if you don't then it is just someone who lies on something with their arm by their sides and are lying horizontally. But if you are just discovering Planking, then forget about it! Owling is the new thing!

Here is Hilary Duff Owling on the table:

And this is Ijustine Planking:

So what do you think? Is this totally ridiculous, or will you be giving it a try? Post a picture here of you (or someone you know) Planking or Owling.

P.S. If you try planking do NOT plank down the stairs unless you have someone holding on to your legs ( I would know!)
                                                                     Sophie x

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Harry Potter Review

Today I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and I thought that it was brilliant! At the end I almost cried because of all the people who die in it. I went to see it in 3D and I thought that it was quite good, but I was expecting it to be a bit more "in your face" 3D. but overall, I would definitely give this movie a 9 and a half. for those of you who haven't yet seen it, I would definitely recommend it and if you are teary, bring tissues!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Video Fail! :(

Okay guys, I've been really bad with blog posts lately and i also have been really bad with doing youtube videos lately! i have recorded a whole bunch of video's lately, but i don't really think that i am any good at doing video's!
check me out at: sophiesophie999 on youtube!

Monday, July 11, 2011

New Make-over!

Hey guys!

So, my blog will be getting a whole new make-over and to start off this new makeover, I was thinking of starting a new blog! what do you think? Instead, i will be posting more beauty and fashion related topics. What do you think?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Walk on the Beach

hey everyone,
so yesterday me and my family went for a walk around a woodland area. while on our way back from the waterfall area, we spotter an area where alot af people were taking pictures. We walked towards it and we noticed that it was a little beach area. We looked at the lake at it was like a picture - so still.

My brother saw that the water looked shallow from where he stood, so he thought he could walk throught it. He changed his mind and then decided that he would walk up through the rocks and see how far he could walk next to the water. It was amazing how still and foggy every thing was. My brother sait that he wants to go back there during the summer and he wants to swim (or at least walk through) the lake.